Sako Stock Repair by Hill Country Rifles

We can fix your Sticky Sako Stock! This service is for Sako Stocks only.
Hill Country Rifles has the solution to a fairly common problem affecting certain Sako stocks: a type of surface degradation known as “Melting” or “Sticky”. Due to high demand, we are offering an express repair service for these stocks with the option to upgrade to our Paladin Coatings signature high-durability Webbing or Mirage Camouflage patterns.
Standard Sako Stock repair cost: $159.99 includes return shipping
Stock Color Upgrades Available! See form for details. View available patterns here.
Getting a stock repaired or repainted is easy, simply:
- Download the above form, print it off and fill it out.
- Ship the completed order form and damaged stock to our address as specified on the form.
- In 3-4 weeks we will return your repaired or repainted stock.
Please only ship stocks.
No Walk-Ins Please.
Do Not Ship Firearms with this order form.
Service Updates:
Paladin Coatings has shifted all resources to our manufacturing customers (Hill Country Rifles)and is no longer accepting retail custom orders with the exception of fixing sticky stocks.
Since our entire staff will be working to fill these orders throughout the day, we will not be open for walk-ins of any kind.
Our sticky stock repair is now a totally automated process. Simply click on the Sticky Stock link above and follow the instructions on the form.